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Terms & Conditions

USER AND OTHER THIRD PARTY CONTENT "Reviews" are postings authored by you or another user of the Service through the "Reviews Feature" on urlmetrics.be's Services. You are responsible for anything you post in any Review. All Reviews must be accurate and truthful. You may not post in any Review material that you know or reasonably should know to be false or materially misleading, or that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, abusive, harassing, threatening, or otherwise objectionable, or that is solely commercial in nature, or that invades a person's privacy, infringes another person's intellectual property rights, or otherwise violates any law or regulation. urlmetrics.be is not responsible for, and does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of, any opinion, advice, statement, recommendation or other information included in any Review posted on the Service. Any reliance by you on any such opinion, advice, statement, recommendation or other information in a Review shall be at your sole risk. Without limiting the foregoing, urlmetrics.be retains the right but not obligation in its absolute and sole discretion to screen, edit, or delete any Review or other content displayed, uploaded to, distributed, or otherwise published through the Service and to prevent or restrict access to the Service for any reason, including to purge Reviews, or take any other action to restrict access to or availability of material.

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