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The Perfect Match

More than one million students gave a
5 star review
to their tutor

  • Aidan

    American sign language tutor

    Aidan is patient, knowledgeable and truly a great teacher. He makes learning ASL fun and low-stress. I highly recommend!


  • Fadil

    Mathematics tutor

    Fadil excels as a math tutor due to his deep knowledge of the subject and his ability to effectively communicate that knowledge to students. He possesses both essential skill sets, making him an effective teacher. Additionally, he brings years of actual teaching experience to his role. My child is currently receiving Pre-Calculus lessons from him and will soon progress to Calculus AB and BC. Despite the time difference between us, as we are in EST, scheduling has not been an issue with a competent tutor like Fadil.


  • Dmytro

    Chess tutor

    Dmytro is a fantastic chess tutor for beginners! Not only does he make learning the fundamentals fun and easy to understand, but he also explains concepts like ELO (a ranking system for chess players) and provides clear strategies to improve your game, making you a checkmate threat in no time.


  • Abigail

    Video editing tutor

    Abagail did a wonderful job in explaining the editing process for our first lesson. She was very clear in answering all my questions. Looking forward to my next tutor session.


  • Yasir Mahmood

    Physics tutor

    Very intellectual and well organized. Highly professional and skilled in engineering related courses. 5/5


  • Nick

    Video editing tutor

    Great tutoring lessons! Really helped me get a better understanding of how to construct my video.


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