The Salt Maiden

a contemporary retelling of the myth of the mermaid

The Salt Maiden is adapted from the award-winning short play by Donna Cameron. Originally written for Queensland Theatre Company Playshop 2002 and won the 2002 Glen Eira Literary Award Victoria for a short play. Published by 2002, produced by deBase at !Metro Arts in Brisbane 2002 and ABC Radio National 2005 and performed at Short+Sweet Sydney 2011

a woman moves to an island to overcome her fear of drowning but to cross the strait she must place her life in the hands of the ferryman

Directed and produced by Beverley Callow, The Salt Maiden was developed into a screenplay with the assistance of the Queensland Government and Redland City Council through a Regional Arts Development Fund grant. The film production was funded independently through crowdfunding, philanthropic private donations and is proudly sponsored by Redland City Council

Filmmed on unique Coochiemudlo Island in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia on RED by director of photography Randall Wood with original music by composer Colin Offord. Sound design by Tfer Newsome

The Salt Maiden stars Renee Lim and Cameron Sowden

2013 | myth | 15 mins

The Salt Maiden trailer