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Forum urgently seeks new Chair

John West stood down as Chair at this year’s AGM on 6th April.

The Forum is seeking a replacement, who may or may not be an existing member of the Forum.

The main aspects of the role of the Chair are:

  • Being first point of contact for enquiries(email), which are referred onto others or dealt with as appropriate
  • Arranging meetings
  • Preparing the agenda and sending out
  • Seeing that points of action from meetings are dealt with
  • Liaising with Town Council and local councillors as required

If you have an interest in West Bay and enjoy working with others you can find out more by contacting John at

Happy Christmas 2021 from the West Bay Community Forum

West Bay to get its own Town Council ward ?

Bridport Town Council has published three options for the future governance of the town, including a preferred proposal for a merger of four parishes into a single council for the built area of the town, with the aim of improving local democracy and local services.

A review of parish boundaries announced by Dorset Council in August invites town and parish councils to submit proposals for changes to electoral boundaries, numbers of councillors, and other aspects of local governance.  Bridport Town Council’s submission will be considered at its Full Council meeting on 21 September and if approved will make the case for bringing together the existing parishes of Allington, Bothenhampton & Walditch, Bradpole, the new Foundry Lea (Vearse Farm) development and Bridport into a single council area. They also provide for a creation of five council wards including a new council ward for West Bay. We believe this would give beter representation for West Bay and more of a focus on it at Town Council level.

Read more about the proposals here

All change on parking in West Bay ?

Dorset Council plan to review traffic orders in West Bay during the autumn on 2021. Not the sort of thing to get wildly excited about perhaps, but traffic orders regulate “on-street” parking (not car parks) and the situation as its stands is confusing and enforcement is poor. At times it can seem like a bit of a free for all. Bridport town Council will be putting forward their views and we hope to input into this.

Aiming for a “plastic-free” West Bay !

Welcome to our website. We expect to see more visitors this year but the need to maintain social distancing and a safe environment for visitors and locals alike will remain a challenge. Public funds are likely to be tight but we are keen that the area around the harbour is properly looked after and facilities such as the bus stop and footways are maintained. As always we welcome ideas and support from locals and visitors alike on how to maintain the improve the enviroment built and natural in West Bay.

One of the things that we are doing this year is supporting the Plastic Free Bridport campaign. This aims to reduce the amount of single use plastic much of which ends up polluting our harbour and beaches. The campaign is enlisting businesses and community organisations as its allies and trying to convert businesses in particular away from single use plastic containers and packaging.


cropped-img_3504-21.jpgDue to the Coronavirus the Community Forum like many organisations is unable to function quite as normal at the moment. However we haven’t gone away and are holding committee meetings by zoom. We are keeping in touch with our members as normal through email and updates as well as keeping in touch with other organisations and bodies such as the local councils and police.

Please support local businesses wherever you can in these challenging times and help them to survive.


West Bay Flood Defence Works – Update 5/6/19

This message was received today from the Communications Officer for the works :

I am writing to give you an update about the vital ongoing sea defence work at West Bay, which is being carried out by Dorset Council and the Environment Agency. The works are on course to be completed next month and we expect to re-open the beaches before mid-July. We apologise for any disturbance, while the works are ongoing.

 Work on the new groyne at West Beach has to be carried out at low tide, which means some night working. Please bear with us and apologies.

 Currently working hours for East Beach are 6am-6pm. On West Beach two shifts are taking place in a 24 hour period, based around low tides, with the contractor starting two hours before and then working until four hours after low tide. This means working 6 hours on and 6 hours off.

 Our latest post about the project is available here:



Please find below the timeline for the Flood Defence works, we understand that drop in sessions will be held at The Salt House while the works are taking place, where the contractors will be available to answer any queries:

  • Thursday 13th June, 1.30pm – 4.30pm
  • Thursday 27th June, 1.30pm – 4.30pm

Queries, requests and comments may also be sent to


WBCI-timeline-27-02-19-2-712x1024West Bay Flood Defence Scheme Update – Change of Timetable, etc.

We have been advised today (6 Feb.) that the Environment Agency and West Dorset District Council are co-hosting a drop-in event for businesses, residents and people wanting to know more about the planned coastal defence improvement works for West Bay.

The event will be held at the Salt House in West Bay on the 13th February between 2-7pm where contractors, engineers and project managers who will be constructing the works will be on hand to answer questions.  Further details of the event can be seen in this link.


There will also be representatives from the Dorset Coastal Connections projects to update on the Coastal Community Funded projects – the Welcome Hub, Cycle Access from West Bay to Bothenhampton and the East Beach Access/Boardwalk.  See this website for more information about these projects.