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The Fastest, Easiest, Most Hassle Free Way To Keep Your Credentials Current 


(And, How To Dominate Your Market…And Make More Money)


Dear Contractor,


You are about to learn an easy way of keeping your Dwelling Contractor Qualifier license current and at the same time learn how to get more clients in a month than you do in a year.  Stay with me here as this is going to be one of the most important letters you ever read. 


In fact, if you are happy with your current situation you can stop reading, it is only intended for people who want to make life as hassle free as possible while putting more money in their pocket.  No kidding around!


This is no joke…


Every year, or couple of years if you push it off, you have to think about keeping your credentials current by finding a test or sitting in a classroom, which takes up your valuable time, time that could be better spent finding more clients or getting work done. 


Would you rather drive and spend an entire day, or possibly two evenings, in a classroom...


Or, would you…


Instead, have a FUN monthly newsletter showing up in your mail, and every 4 months, you can take a straight forward 2 credit DCQ test which allows you to work at your own pace, according to your schedule, in the comfort of your own home!  Nothing more to worry about, you automatically receive what you need to stay current, never worry about your credentials again.  Plus, you have input into what you want to learn via your feedback!  It's all included.


Why go through the effort of finding courses, classes, or tests, when they can automatically find you!


Now, this is not just any old newsletter.  This baby comes packed with real "how to" marketing advice to get your phone to ring 10 times more often with people wanting you to do work for them


You are going to get ideas on how to market your services, and it does not matter what you specialize in.  It makes no difference if you just install windows, build decks, custom homes, or remodel kitchens, you are in…


The Marketing Business!


Believe it or not, you are a marketer, and the better you market your service the more MOOLAH you will make. 


That is where the newsletter comes in.  Your monthly newsletter will have some kick-butt marketing ideas, in fact, you will probably be exposed to ideas you have never seen or thought of before. 


These methods will separate you from the crowd and put you at the head of the pack when clients call when they want their work done, and done by you.


Just imagine...


How would it feel to know the next job you go to bid on is stacked in your favor over the other builders regardless of their prices?!  Yes, you read that right, no more losing jobs because of pricing.  You no longer will have to think about being priced too high and losing a job.


The benefits of this real deal newsletter service that no one else is doing for you:


  • Helping to keep your credentials current as simple as possible


  • Monthly marketing advice to distance yourself from the herd


  • Make the phone ring with more profitable jobs


  • How to set appointments clients will keep


  • How to stuff more money, cash, dinero, in your pocket


  • Read tidbits of information that may affect your health


  • The Q&A section that will talk about the code


  • Tips from the trade to help you with your own jobs


  • New product review on what is, or is not, working in the field


Wow… you get all that and then some.  Help with your marketing to get more jobs in the door and more money in your pocket.  What else could you want? 


Well, how about the (December) newsletter where you can win prizes of all sorts.  This will be a fun issue to watch out for as you can pick out the prize you want to try to win.  You will pick from different prizes and depending on the number of people that select the same prize those are your odds.  If only one person picks a certain prize they win it!


Can it get better?  You bet, how about tossing in a bonus book like this…


"How To Increase Your Profits In Any Economic Climate"

64 Proven marketing strategies, systems, secrets and promotions that will skyrocket

your profits in a recession, depression or boom!


Here's a sample of what's inside this 106 page manual:


  • The easy, counter-intuitive marketing secret that will skyrocket your profits! (Page 67)


  • How to sway even the most skeptical prospect! (Page 16)


  • The only system you'll ever need to generate tons of word-of-mouth referrals! (Page 33)


  • A practically fool-proof way to get prospects to visit your website! (Page 102)


  • How to respond to and beat "low-ball pricing competitors!" (Page 89)


  • A secret sentence that programs your prospect to WANT to buy from you! (Page 37)


As if that was not enough


You will even have the benefit of submitting your marketing piece for review and comments before you start any marketing efforts. 


Think about that, you can have a review of your mailer, ad, or letter before you send it out and not have to rely on the person working for the outfits you want to place the ad in. 


You know, you say, "The ad isn’t working" so they recommend you run the ad more, so people will see it more, and eventually they will call, you just need to keep paying us and run the ad more.


All this sounds great…


But… you are probably starting to think where is the catch?  Yup, there is a catch, and the catch is that this is a service, and like any service, it has a price.


You’re not going to hear this is worth whatever and then the price drops again and again.  So here it is in one shot, you can get in at the rock bottom price of $19.95 per month and this is going to be limited to clients that take action now. 


Since there is personal service involved, this rock bottom price won’t last forever and you don’t want to miss out on it!  Even at a higher price this will still be a heck of a bargain, but you can get in now at $19.95 per month, but you have to act and order now.


A shameless bribe…


Just as you read the price would not drop, you see this!  To sweeten the deal you can knock $40 bucks off if you pay for a full year with an annual payment of $197.00.  You can easily pay this price to sit in classes and learn nothing about getting the phone to ring with money-paying clients.


This is as cheap as it gets.  You could easily make ten times this amount of money once you learn the strategies you will receive.


Another Shameless Bribe???


Pay the full $197 for the year and you will receive this bonus course ($197.00 VALUE!) FREE!


"The Contractor's Marketing Department In A Box"


How To Get A Continuous Stream Of Hot Prospects...Dominate Your Target Market...Attract More A-List Clients ...Stop Wasting Money On Advertising ...And Increase Your Profits!


Here is a taste of what you will discover in this astonishing system:


How tiny "stealth" ads will burn up your phone lines with hot, pre-qualified prospects calling to hire you! (The actual ads are included in the course!)


How to get more respect and increase your prestige. (Discover how to dominate your market and be the only game in town the most respected, in-demand person in your market!)


The mysterious power of "3" - that once unleashed in your business will cause your profits to explode like a fireworks display on the fourth of July!


Instantly create killer marketing materials with almost no effort!


How to ask for and get more money! (Raise your prices, attract even more clients and finally get paid the money you deserve.)


The 7 instantly-effective steps to getting a stampede of new, paying clients. (You will never again have to worry about where your next client is coming from.)


The ultimate step-by-step profit generating system that makes your success easy. (Make bucket-loads of cash without sacrificing your lifestyle.)


How to get more qualified leads in a month than your competitors get all year! (Struggling to attract new business? Learn this secret and unleash your client attraction super powers!)


The top secret marketing idea you can immediately use to DOUBLE your income without doubling the amount of work you do. (Not only will you rake in more money, you’ll also have a LOT more FREE TIME to enjoy the money you're making.)


How YOU can be the person who has more business than he can handle, who is helping his clients and having fun - while your competitors are sitting around complaining about the lack of work


How to use technology to build trust, rapport and increase your status in the eyes of your prospects and clients. (You don't need to know squat about technology to use this secret!)


A complete, step by step autopilot system that will keep you up to your neck in referral business. (This is a complete. proven system that you can implement 5 minutes after you learn about! I GUARANTEE that you have never seen such a dynamic and powerful system for getting referrals as the one you will discover!)


The most unique business card on the planet that transforms a "throw away" item into an electrifying marketing tool that your prospects and clients will guard with their life. (Well, maybe not with their life but they will treasure it!) You've never seen anything like this.


A powerful stealth marketing strategy that pre-qualifies your prospects, educates them, sets their buying criteria and makes you the only logical service provider in your market!


How to increase the effectiveness of your Yellow Pages advertising by at least 300%...This is a very sophisticated strategy which will enhance your image...and make the phone ring off the hook.


A classy system for staying in touch with your prospects and clients throughout the year that, alone, will double your profits within the next 12 months.


The 3 biggest mistakes business owners make on their website, that are costing them clients and how to immediately fix the problem and turn your website into an automatic client generation machine!


Select the payment option you wantclick on "Subscribe", and get started on the most profitable year for your business, and experience the most hassle free way of keeping your DCQ credential current.


The Guarantee, without any weasel clauses, try the system for a year and if it doesn't work send it back, but if you take any tests or win prizes during this time we will be unable to refund your money, DEAL?


An exciting and MEGA profitable year is only a click away… It's all included!

Your Partners,




Wisconsin Code Report



P.S. First and foremost this is all about helping you stay current with your credentials, and to make it as easy as possible.  If you are ever in a time crunch you can have the tests you need sent to you and they will be graded and authorization sent to the State as soon as they are received by us.  It's all included!



P.P.S.  Remember you get all these bonuses (valued over a $1000) FREE:


  • How To Increase Your Profits In Any Economic Climate ($97 Value)


  • The Kick Butt Newsletter (Marketing Information Each Month - Priceless)


  • Personal Help With Marketing Questions (Worth Hundreds)


  • The Spectacular DECEMBER Giveaway Edition… Who Doesn’t Like Free Stuff

       (Who Knows What This Could Be Worth)


  • The Contractor's Marketing Department In A Box ($197 Value)

       (Included Free with your annual payment)


  • All the tests you need are included!



P.P.P.S.  If you pay the $19.95 per month (Option 2), after one year the “Contractor's Marketing Department In A Box” will be given to you as a Thank You for being a long-time subscriber to the newsletter.  You can buy it anytime for $197 but it is yours FREE RIGHT NOW if you pay for the full year (Option 1), or after a year of being a client.


Select your payment option and then click "Subscribe"

Or, Click the the green button right below to print out an order form to fill out, and mail, or fax.


What, are you still not convinced???


If you order NOW you'll get a FREE copy of how to get out of debt using the money you already make. This, by itself, will save you a small fortune in interest alone!


Remember, this is all about helping you stay current with your credentials while learning, the tests are included, and as a kick-butt bonus you get everything else to help explode your business... But, you have to take action NOW!!! 


At the very least sign up for our emails to receive FREE marketing tips and information about upcoming continuing ed.


Enter your best email and first name and make sure to hit "Subscribe" when you are finished.

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