Veronica is out of the hospital, she is doing better. Thank you all for praying. To God be the glory!


Thanks for praying for Zoen. He has quit drinking. Please continue to pray for him.


I would like to give a praise report about how far my daughter has come in her healing. She is doing more then I could have ever imagined. She is learning to talk and walk again. She is living life on her own. I praise God for how far she's come.


V's daughter is with her mother. Thanks for praying. God answered prayer.


Thank you for praying for my brother Russell and Christine, his wife, they finally got their power on, and have a place to live.


Praise Reports!

In April, this year, I sent some prayer requests for my father and friends who were very sick. I would like to thank God for healing all of them. Glory be to the LORD.  We continue praying for them.


Thank you for your prayers. I received healing from not sleeping, even with a very high dose of sleeping pills, and remain sane. 


Thank you everyone for praying for my cousin Wendy’s son. He has been found. Please continue to pray for the family. Greatly appreciate all the prayers.


Hi. I want to thank you to all who have prayed for my family and friends. Thank you for helping me pray through difficult sicknesses too. God has been so good, and I praise Him!


I have moved to daytime. God provided, I was working nights, and not able to go to church. Now after 20 years, He has made a way for me to go to daytime work. I was only doing tithes, but I started paying both tithes and offering by faith. I want to be able to give to missions.


I requested prayer for Michael, who was in a coma. The Lord brought him out, and he is responsive. The Lord is so good!


Dear God, thanks for Jackie, and thanks for using her to bless me financially. I pray for wisdom and knowledge to fix her problems with stairs.


Bart was in ICU, intubated, with lung issues. He is now out of the hospital, and doing better.


Tracy came home from the hospital. God is still in the healing business!!!


Dudley had the surgery for hernia last December, and is now in perfect health. Thank for praying.


A few days after my request was put up, Rob found a perfect match for a kidney transplant. So thankful to have this site as a resource, prayer works!


Prayer is your greatest power!

Thank you for praying!


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Urgent Prayer Needs

June 4 - June 10, 2024

  • Sue is hospice, and needs a miracle.  

  • Ron, Bob, and Mary, three separate individuals, need urgent prayer.   

  • Angela has major swelling throughout her body. She needs answers. She has been suffering with this for two years. 

  • Rhonda had two strokes. Pray they are able to find the cause, and for healing and recovery.  

  • Richard was involved in serious automobile accident. He was ejected from the vehicle, and is currently on life support with a brain injury.  

  • Asia’s blood sugar dropped to 44. She went into shock. She needs God’s help, and healing. 

  • Wanda had a major heart attack, and her doctors have told her kids they don't think she will make it. She needs a miracle. 

  • Jennifer was diagnosed with arthritis last year. She was bitten by a tick last month. She is experiencing extreme fatigue, headaches everyday, and joint pain. Also, she was told, hormone therapy thickened her blood, causing fatigue and difficulty breathing. 

  • Carson has stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. He has been given one to one and a half years to live. 

  • Jamie is 34, and on life support with brain activity, and not given long to live. Her mother Lynn just recently lost a son to addiction. 

  • Jackie is 19 weeks pregnant, and was diagnosed with Placenta Previa stage 4, which is the placenta attaching itself too low. Pray it moves up in the uterus. 

  • James needs a miracle healing of Lou Gehrig’s disease, and a second progressive brain disease. 

  • Manfred, who had a stroke, needs a miracle. Doctors are stopping all treatment, as he has many health issues.  

  • Charlie Wayne and Kinley Rene are twins who were prematurely born at 29 weeks. Pray that they will develop as they should, and for their family.  

  • James has a very progressive degenerative brain disease and needs a miracle.  

  • Michele has an enlarged heart, fibroids in her lungs, her lungs look partially collapsed, and something is wrong with her kidneys. She was told she needs to see many doctors. She is feeling a little overwhelmed.  

  • Matt, 31, is in critical condition after an unsuccessful cardiac procedure to correct his A-Fib. The procedure was performed 1 week ago and he is currently on a ventilator and ECMO and is not doing well. Pray for a complete and miraculous healing in his body, as well as peace and comfort for his wife, Nora. 

  • Susan is 75 and has been hospitalized for over a year with an atrocious wound on her leg. She also needs salvation.  

  • McKenzie has bleeding on the brain. Her family was told to come to the hospital.  

  • Please pray for Doug. He had a heart attack and is in hospital on a respirator. 

  • Willie had a stroke and cannot swallow or walk. 

  • Mackenzie has a blood disease affecting her muscles, she is in ICU.  

  • Chloe, who is nine years old, needs a new heart.  

  • Isaias suffered several strokes. He is 60, and has been baptized, but has never received the Holy Ghost. The prognosis is not good. He has no biological family. Isaias needs a miracle.   

  • James recently had surgery, and now his kidneys are failing. He needs a miracle.  

  • Crystal has terminal cancer, has been placed in hospice, and needs a miracle. 

  • Mickey is in ICU at Dallas City Medical with kidney and liver failure.  

  • Jim is in a Chicago hospital, needing a heart transplant. 

  • Cam,17 years old, was just in a bad car accident. He is fighting for his life. He needs a miracle.  

  • Luke is severely ill with kidney failure.  

  • Joanne had a liver transplant and needs prayer that her body doesn’t reject it.  

  • Lois had a brain aneurysm, requiring emergency surgery. 

  • Three-year-old Koda has cerebral palsy, and he is suffering from fevers that are causing seizures.  

  • Roy has an intestinal issue and hernia, which has become infected, but his heart may be too weak for surgery. He needs a miraculous healing.  

  • Rey is considering suicide, and has given up on God.  

  • Mary Ann is in intensive care with heart failure. Only 24% function.  

  • Baby Katie has bleeding on the brain. 

  • Darla requests prayer for three people in her church, who are in the ER right now. There are very urgent health issues for each one. Three different families are affected and need to be restored to good health.  

  • Glenda has stage four COPD and has now been diagnosed with pneumonia. She has a very difficult time breathing.  

  • Five-year-old Jax is losing weight rapidly. Doctors do not know why. Jax and his family need prayer.  

  • Gina had a major stroke.  

  • Doctors have told Tabby that her unborn baby will not live long after birth. 

  • Charles has been falling and cannot get up without assistance. He lives alone. He was in physical therapy and fell and spit a two-inch gash in the top of his head. Pray his condition be properly diagnosed and treated. 

  • Sallie has Covid and is developing lung issues. 

  • Mason, 17 years old, has a head injury, and does not react to commands. His mother Stacey has stage four cancer. They both need urgent prayer.  

  • John, a pastor, has suffered a heart attack, and needs healing of brain function, and other organs.  

  • Lin’s brother-in-law has COPD, emphysema, Covid, and pneumonia.  

  • Jireh, 23, years old, needs a kidney transplant.  

  • Betty needs prayer for COPD, (shortness of breath). 

  • Debbie has serious health problems and is facing an amputation of her left foot. She needs a miracle and salvation.  

  • Monica has been missing for two weeks, pray she will be found.  

  • Courtney has sepsis infection.  

  • Carl had a massive heart attack and is on life support.  

  • Blair is in need of prayer, he suffered a massive heart attack, and his heart is only working at twenty percent. 

  • George had a heart attack and hasn’t been speaking or eating. He also needs healing of bed sores and normalization of white blood cells.  

  • Shirley has congestive heart failure, and severe back pain.  


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