All company information in one central place company page
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    Company Information

    Find company information relevant to you. Every day, over 11 000 users find exactly what they need using the fastest and most convenient business information tool in the BENELUX.

    Our business search tool offers “autocomplete” to help you easily find company names and check their official VAT number. Get information on the location, financials, managers, investors, company history, contact details, sector, etc...

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    Financials ratios

    For each corporation we created an overview page on which we summarised the financials from 4 046 125 balance sheets. Automatically computed ratios regarding liquidity and solvency help you assess the company's health.

    Use our charts to see the evolution of revenue, profits and equity in the blink of an eye.

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    Business alerts

    Join over 70 000 users trusting our business alerts to never miss opportunities and mitigate risk. Get notified when a company makes an important change (address, director, capital, bankruptcy).

    Build your own lists of companies you want to follow up on.

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    Advanced search

    Use our advanced search function with specific criteria (sector, location, company size, revenue) to perform very targeted marketing campaigns.



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    Learn more about the people behind the company by discovering who’s name is published in official government records.
    Get rid of fraud and doubts by knowing exactly who you are dealing with.



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    Detailed reports

    We provide full company reports downloadable as a PDF file. These contain the most up-to-date information and have all key indicators and financial ratios in a graphical representation. View an example here.

    Up to 250 company reports per month are included in our Business Package.

Manage your business with confidence

Automate your process
with Business API

Integrate comprehensive dataset in your internal processes.
Rely on a fast & easy API to improve your back-office efficiency.

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