
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.93 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9343524
AED 3.67331 JPY 154.825
ARS 872.751 KRW 1373.65
AUD 1.54167 MAD 10.1517
BRL 5.13099 MXN 16.958
CAD 1.36625 NOK 10.9177
CHF 0.911825 NZD 1.68614
CNY 7.09949 PHP 57.3861
CZK 23.5647 PLN 4.0265
DKK 6.97031 RUB 93.2
EUR 0.934352 SEK 10.812
GBP 0.803244 SGD 1.36141
HKD 7.83657 THB 36.9406
HUF 367.2 TRY 32.5641
ILS 3.76507 USD 1
INR 83.2592 ZAR 19.114
BHD 0.377011 MYR 4.75838
BOB 6.87964 NAD 19.1465
CLP 953.423 NGN 1233.46
COP 3896.81 NPR 132.79
DOP 59.4004 OMR 0.385028
EGP 48.0425 PAB 0.995552
IDR 16142.2 PEN 3.69599
IRR 42075 PKR 278.302
ISK 140.432 RON 4.64952
JMD 154.897 SAR 3.75105
JOD 0.708893 TWD 32.5641
KES 130.921 UAH 39.4106
KWD 0.308009 UYU 38.5196
LBP 89152.7 VES 36.303
LKR 299.886 VND 25445.4
AWG 1.80049 MGA 4407.11
BAM 1.82741 MKD 57.5141
BBD 2.01017 MUR 46.5307
BDT 109.263 MVR 15.4502
BGN 1.82741 PYG 7386.99
BMD 1.00272 QAR 3.63057
BSD 0.995552 RSD 109.488
BWP 13.8283 SCR 13.734
FJD 2.29841 TND 3.14596
GHS 13.4304 TTD 6.7563
GMD 67.9184 UGX 3799.08
GTQ 7.76493 XAF 612.895
KHR 4043.88 XCD 2.70329
LAK 21234.1 XOF 612.896
MDL 17.891 XPF 112.532
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  5. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  6. Mexican Peso - MXN
  7. Swiss Franc - CHF
  8. Japanese Yen - JPY
  9. New Zealand Dollar - NZD
  10. Chinese Yuan - CNY