Activate your copy of VisualGDB now

VisualGDB needs to be activated on each seat (computer/user combination) where you want to use it. Please fill in the information below to get the activation key:

Parameter FormatValue
Comment: Optional comment for your own records


Activation FAQ

Q: What is activation?
A: Activation helps you manage the amount of VisualGDB installations and keep it according to the amount of purchased licenses.

Q: How often do I need to activate VisualGDB?
A: The activation is permanent. You will only need to reactivate when you reinstall or update VisualGDB. 

Q: I have purchased N licenses. Can I install VisualGDB on more than N computers?
A: No, you need a separate license for each computer using VisualGDB.

Q: I have reinstalled my Windows and VisualGDB won't reactivate. What should I do?
A: Please contact