Opinions on Clarity Plus acrylic 65 gallon


Sold my 24 ga. JBJ nano in the spring when we moved across state lines. Now looking for something used under 100 ga. to start use for both hard and softies. One guy has offered me the following with a price tag of $500. I've been reading a bit but would like opinions on the quality and price of this setup. All advice appreciated.


Clarity Plus Reef tank set up.....like this one.

YouTube - Saltwater Reef Tank For Sale

65 gallon view tank....40 gallons sump. Al acrylilic, rounder corners, black.

Water over flows out the upper rear....you can't even see it with the lid down. Water returns via a tube along the top that spans the entire tank width.

This shows the DLS, but I have the bio-balls.

Great shape....may need a clean up.

New pump....I added a UV filter in the back as well.

Comes with bio balls, Ebo-jager (spelling?) heater, pre-filter in sump, and a brand new cover that was never used (for sump)....current one got a chip out of it one time...

lights are just normal.....would need upgrading.