A. San Marino

Added to the list in 2008 - visited by Maarten in 2004

San Marino is one of the oldest republics in the world and the only remaining Italian city-state. San Marino has been independent since the 13th century and its democracy is based upon civil autonomy. The historical centre of San Marino town, only 0,6km² wide, is located on top of the Monte Titano and contains numerous historical monuments (towers, walls & gates, convents, a theatre, a palace...).

Own impression

Personally, I didn't really like San Marino I'm afraid. I visited this mini-state as the obligatory excursion of the 2004 Twelfth International Meiofauna Conference in Ravenna. We were there for only an hour or two, although the bus trip towards San Marino took ages! It reminded me of Assisi in some way (small town on a hill with many old houses), although it didn't have the same original feel to it. Everything appeared fake to me, and the city was littered with small gift shops for tourists. Moreover, I din't visit any historical sites (I didn't even know there were any...), and so my stay was limited to a short stroll through the narrow streets of the town.

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