Thanks for purchasing our
e-learning course from Amazon local !

To redeem the voucher code we request you enter your name, email address and the voucher code. Once the code is accepted an email with your login credentials to access the course will be sent to you.

If you have any difficulty in redeeming your voucher. please call us for assistance.

UK: 020 -70961142





Date of Birth

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Q: Which code do I enter to access my course
A: You need to enter the code as mentioned in your amazon local account for the course purchased. Your code is located on your voucher in your Amazon Local account. To access your vouchers, click on the “Your Orders” section after you have logged in.

Q: I redeemed my amazon local code however I have not received my login credentials to access the course
A: Please email with your amazon local code and a member of the student services team will email you with your login credentials to access the course within 6-8 business hours (10:00 AM to 6:00 PM GMT).

Q: I do not know which code to enter to get access to my course
A: Please enter the voucher code as mentioned in your amazon account Your voucher code can be located in your Amazon Local account under “Your Orders.”

Q: I do not know which code to enter to get access to my course
A: Please enter the voucher code as mentioned in your amazon account Your voucher code can be located in your Amazon Local account under “Your Orders.”

Q: When do I get my login credentials to access the course
A: Once you have successfully redeemed your voucher, an email with your login credentials will be sent to you immediately and you can access the course straight away.

Q: How long do I have to access the course
A: You will have unlimited access for 12 months from your first login date.

Q: What if I have problem in learning once I have access to the course
A: Learners support team is available to hand, you can contact them from the learning center using the internal messaging system for any query that you may have during the learning process.