20 Women Reveal How Tokophobia (Fear Of Pregnancy) Affects Their Lives

Yes, tokophobia is a real thing and it affects a lot more people than you may first think. It can also manifest in different ways. Some people are afraid of getting pregnant, while others are worried about actually giving birth WHILE they’re pregnant. The following 20 women talk about their condition and give us a lot to think about. 20....

15 People Share The Weirdest Thing They Found In A Thrift Store

Thrift stores are awesome for people who can’t afford to buy things new, and they’re also amazing for people browsing for something a bit off the beaten path. You can usually dig up something historic, something kitschy, something downright delightfully absurd – whatever you’re looking for, a thrift store somewhere is...

15 Really Popular Tweets That People Shared

There is so much content on Twitter, and actually, there’s so much GOOD and funny content on Twitter, that it can be hard to keep up with it all. In general, that’s fine – you follow the people you want to hear from and keep up with them, and everyone is happy! There’s always a chance that you’re missing some truly...

14 People who Probably Regret Posting that Facebook Rant

Ah, Facebook. The place where you’re forced to endure the endless opinions of relatives you used to think were cool, but now have to face on holidays and pretend you still have respect for them. It can be tempting to rant into the ether, even if we know that we’re not going to change anyone’s opinion, and there are plenty of...

“I Remarried My Ex” – 20 True Stories

Some people are like hot sauce, in our lives. They’re so delicious to be with, and so painful at the same time. You find yourself regretting it later, and yet when the chance to experience them comes around again, we just line up for more. That’s the best analogy I can come up with, honestly. Some relationships are just too spicy. And...

20 Parents Struggling to Live Away from Their Kids

For quite a long time, I was the only person in my family who’d moved very far away from where we grew up. It wasn’t always easy, and I know that it probably took a toll on my parents. And that’s with me being a full grown man. The emotional toll of being apart from your kids as they’re actually growing up? It’s gotta...

20 Times People Found Themselves in Surprising Affairs

Do you ever feel like maybe you’re not living a very adventurous life? I mean, I’ve done plenty of interesting things in my time and have had the pleasure of creating things and even making money having a lot of fun with my hobbies. But then I read stories like these, about making new discoveries about your own sexuality in the midst...

20 Hilarious Conversations Overheard in LA

If you’ve ever spent any time in LA, you know that it’s a special kind of culture there. Unique to say the least. Just spend a little time walking around without headphones on and you’re sure to overhear some fascinating little tidbits of conversation. One enterprising Instagram account decided to start collecting these tidbits...

11 Singles Get Real About Dating In These Unique Times

Dating is rough in the best of times, so if you’re lucky enough to not have been single during this pandemic, you can probably only imagine that it’s been especially interesting over the past couple of years. How has it been more challenging, though? Have people given up? Are there surprising perks? These 11 people have been single...

10 Singles Get Real About Dating During These Crazy Times

I honestly don’t think that dating is the best regardless of the state of the rest of the world. Don’t get me wrong; it can totally be fun for awhile, if you’re young and just figuring things out, but the older you get, the less appealing it becomes. It’s almost like a second job, to be honest – one where you spend a...

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