Geoffrey DELIÉGE
Geof­frey DELIÉGEadvo­caat te Verviers
Ingeschreven bij de Balie van Verviers sinds 2005
Met ervar­ing in burg­er­lijke en han­del­sza­k­en, op zeer uiteen­lopende gebieden in bedri­jf­s­recht, met name wat betre­ft dis­trib­u­tieovereenkom­sten en zak­en met een inter­na­tionale karakter.

Geof­frey is an expe­ri­enced lawyer who is fre­quent­ly instruct­ed to appear in the var­i­ous Bel­gian courts to rep­re­sent inter­na­tion­al and Bel­gian clients. He has a broad civ­il and com­mer­cial prac­tice, cov­er­ing a wide range of busi­ness lit­i­ga­tion with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on Dis­tri­b­u­tion Con­tracts and inter­na­tion­al matters.

He read Law at the Uni­ver­sité catholique de Lou­vain (Bel­gium) and at the Uni­ver­sità di Bologna (Italy), grad­u­at­ing with great hon­ours in 2004.

He pleads in (1) French but he also speaks flu­ent­ly (2) Ital­ian and (3) Eng­lish, has a work­ing knowl­edge of (4) Dutch (and also has some acquain­tance with (5) Span­ish and (6) Roman­ian). His every­day prac­tice encom­pass­es cas­es where pro­ceed­ings, com­mu­ni­ca­tions or evi­dence are in Dutch, Ital­ian or English.

Geof­frey was Chair­man of the Free Con­fer­ence of the Young Verviers Bar (2013 — 2015). He was also elect­ed to the Verviers Bar Coun­cil (in 2011–2012, 2014 — now) and is a Board Mem­ber of var­i­ous Bar Com­mis­sions (ICT, Young Bar, Legal Aid) in which he deals with var­i­ous ICT matters.

Ren­trée solen­nelle du Bar­reau de Verviers, 2015.



  • Licen­ti­ate in Law magna cum laude [i.e. LL.M. with great hon­ours] Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty of Lou­vain UCL, Lou­vain-la-Neuve, Bel­gium, 1999–2004
  • Eras­mus, Uni­ver­si­ty of Bologna, sum­ma cum laude, 2004
  • Ital­ian at advanced lev­el (Uni­ver­sità degli Stu­di di Bologna, Ital­ie, 2004)


  • French: moth­er tongue
  • Ital­ian: flu­ent
  • Eng­lish: flu­ent
  • Dutch: work­ing knowledge
  • Span­ish: some knowledge
  • Roman­ian: some knowledge
