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Anna Shaw Children's Institute

Anna Shaw Children’s Institute is a regional leader providing care for children from birth through 11 years of age, who experience the challenges of developmental delays. The Institute is in the style of a treehouse and is located in Dalton, Georgia.

Coach Jon, Lead Coach of ClearThinkers
Coach Jon, Lead Coach of ClearThinkers

I am an ADHD Coach who helps teen boys and men with ADHD thrive in their personal, school and work lives. I have been coaching...

Roberto Olivardia, Clinical Psychologist
Roberto Olivardia, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Roberto Olivardia is a Clinical Instructor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and Clinical Associate at McLean Hospita...

Featured EventEvery Tuesday

Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Moms Of Special Needs, Single & Married Women
Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Moms Of Special Needs, Single & Married Women

Two Experiential Trainings Per Month with Two Different Group Events that are coaching and writing based. Meaning you aren't ju...

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