Domain search results appear instantly as you type

Simplify your domain name search across all available domains and extensions and find your new domain.

Instant Domain Search provides results as you type, making it easier to find the right domain name. Unlike other tools, it instantly shows the availability of various domains and extensions, so you can explore multiple options until you find the best one.

Instant results

Instant Domains helps you find and register an available domain name for your new website.

Domains for sale


Our powerful tools return domain name search results from many sources instantly.

Domains for sale


Explore domain names to register, for sale, and extensions–all ‌together.

Domains for sale


We’ll generate new ideas to help you find a great domain name.

Domains for sale


Search with us. We’ll help you get your domain fast!

Looking for the perfect domain name? We partner with the best registrars to help you get it. We’ll let you know when links to our hosting and registrar partners are sponsored.

What makes a good domain name?

A good domain name is short, memorable, easy to spell and pronounce, and relevant to your business or brand. It should also be unique.

  • Does it accurately reflect what my business is about?
  • How does it sound when I say it aloud?
  • Will people remember it?
  • Can people spell and type it?
  • How will it come across in different contexts, for example, typed out in an ad?

No matter what you choose, the Instant Domains team is excited to help you find and get your new domain name quickly.

Domains for sale

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