Site of sound designer and composer Frederik Van de Moortel


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Night Has Come – Belgian premiere on FilmFest Gent


An anonymous old man wakes up in a sanatorium at an unspecified location. He suffers from amnesia induced by a virus. The people call it the “night” because it steals memories and leaves only darkness. The State steps in with a new program that can store memories and begins to harvest them all, “just in case.” But is the virus really of natural origin? Or was it engineered to provide the next generation with a fresh start (and the State with an easily controlled population)? Quarantine, resistance, riots… Slowly but surely, the old man starts questioning the authenticity of his own memories, while growing increasingly conscious of another truth. Essayistic and experimental, NIGHT HAS COME takes you on a fictional journey only a step away from reality.

For this film Peter Van Goethem assembled Royal Belgian Film Archive footage from the last century to create an original story, narrated by a fictional man as a memory piece. The movie alternates between amateur footage and footage of historical events that took place in Brussels. The fragments about Brussels were decontextualized, creating a post-apocalyptic tale tackling philosophical questions that easily competes with more traditional post-apo features.

Lenght 56’
Format 16mm/35mm archive/B&W-Color
Screening format DCP
Language English

Director Peter Van Goethem
Producer Peter Krüger / Inti Films
Text Peter Verhelst
Voice Johan Leysen
Music Guy Van Nueten
Editing Peter Van Goethem
Editing supervisor Peter Krüger
Sound design Guy de Bièvre, 
Aiko Devriendt, 
Frederik van de Moortel
Mixing Frederik van de Moortel
Grading Florentijn Bos

“Essayistic and experimental, NIGHT HAS COME is mesmerizing. The editing is superb, and Guy Van Nueten’s enthralling score is a perfect match for this out-of-the-ordinary proposal.” (Annick Mahnert,

“Every now and then I see a film that crawls on my skin, gets inside my brain, then takes up residence for a few weeks… NIGHT HAS COME is a Beautiful and Poignant Meditation on the Essence of Memory.(Jason Olivier,

“Night Has Come is an intensely sensory experience; sonic power rages over the soundtrack and the languid voiceover provides juxtaposition. The two clash then subside then clash again, like waves rolling in and out of tide against your ears.” (Alex Brannan,

“Night Has Come unfolds like a memory of a fever dream, burning its way through your brain as you drift in and out of consciousness.” (Chris Evangelista, Slashfilm)

Fantastic Fest, 20 September 2019, Austin (USA)

Film Fest Gent, 16 Oktober 2019


The Hangar by Eyas Al Mokdad


Doing sound design for this very intense short by my new friend Eyas. Just met eachother in a taxi in Aubagne in Mai and doing a film together in June! Look out for this one, it is a must see!!



Premiere Volle Gang


Giovani Fratelli is een gezelschap van jonge broeders, geworteld in Tutti Fratelli en begeleid door Eva Schram. Hun nieuwe productie “VOLLE GANG oftewel de toekomst is al begonnen” gaat in mei in première.

“Wij, groot raadsel op twee benen,
nemen een vrije val vooruit
en tuimelen in de volle gang van ons leven
een mysterieuze ruimte in.

Sommigen vallen er met de deur in huis,
andere trappen een open deur in of
houden de achterdeur open.

Maar één ding is zeker: ge kunt er niemand de deur wijzen.”




Pantin wins La Guarimba


The amazing short of my student Timothée Crabbé wins La Guarimba International Film Festival. Couldn’t be happier for this fantastic film maker. Mark my words; we will be hearing from this guy. Also happy to be of some assistance in this film.

International Short Film Festival Oberhausen awarded Bloeistraat 11

Another one! International Short Film Festival Oberhausen awarded Bloeistraat 11 by Nienke Deutz as the best European Short Film for Children!59917477_2049356538507543_3064755690238115840_n

Bloeistraat 11 wint Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS)

Nienke did it again!! Bloeistraat 11 wint Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) . Nog steeds trots de componist van dit prijsbeest geweest te zijn!Congratulations to Nienke!!


Mitgehört: Musik aus dem Filter-Schwarm Heute: Frederik Van de Moortel, Komponist und Sound Designer

mitgehoert-frederik-van-de-moortel-xIn seiner Kolumne „Mitgehört“ befragt Martin Raabenstein ganz unterschiedliche Menschen, was sie musikalisch umtreibt. Von prägenden Momenten bis zu aktuellen Highlights: Die Jukebox des Filter-Schwarms wird mit jeder Folge bunter. Dieses Mal: Frederik Van de Moortel. Der Belgier hat die Musik für zahlreiche Kinofilme komponiert, ist gefragter Sound Designer und am Theater aktiv. Dabei arbeitet er nicht nur im stillen Kämmerlein seines Antwerpener Studios, sondern gibt seine Expertise auch als Lehrer an die nächsten Generationen weiter. „I design sound“ sagt er über sich selbst. Ein Understatement, das nur Menschen droppen können, die mit so vielen Projekten gleichzeitig jonglieren, wie Jeff Mills früher bei einem DJ-Set Platten brauchte.

Read the interview here:

MIJN LABEL wint de ECFA Short Film Award op het Cinemira Festival in Boedapest!

So proud of my student Janne! She did an amazing job with this stop motion animated short. What an achievement for a 3d bachelor film! can’t wait to see her master film.

Glad to be able to help a tiny amount on the mix of this beautiful short!

