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May General Meeting

Tom Keenan

Artificial Intelligence: Friend, Foe or Frenemy?

Speaker: Dr. Tom Keenan, FCIPS, I.S.P, ITCP; Professor, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, University of Calgary

Anyone who tells you they know everything about Artificial Intelligence is hallucinating worse than ChatGPT on a bad day. What Tom Keenan can say is that he was teaching high school students how to create backpropagation neural networks over 35 years ago. He even got to testify about doing this before the House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence.

In this fast-paced talk, he will say some good things and some bad things about AI and speculate on how it will change our personal and professional lives in the future. We will laugh together about the lawyers who were fined $5,000 for relying on AI to do their job. And we will answer the question, "Will AI replace radiologists?" If that's not enough, Tom will present five plausible ways that AI could kill us.

Tom Keenan is a long-serving professor at the University of Calgary, having taught in several faculties and been the Dean of one. He appears frequently in the media.

Place 800

800 - 6 Ave. S.W.
Fourth floor Synopsys office

There is $2 parking after 16:00 one block north-east of the meeting location, in the underground parkade at McDougall Centre.

5:30 PM, Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Snacks at 17:30. Meeting begins at 18:00.

Attendance is free for CUUG members, or $10 (cash only) at the door for non-CUUG members.

RSVP to office at CUUG if you plan to attend.