
Health insurance or life insurnce, I rock at it. Join me.


Whats up my online crew! I've been meaning to start a tumblr blog for months and https://financelikeapro.co.uk finally gave me the kick up the butt I really needed. We got talking at a health insurance conference about health insurance and how so many young people just don't have good personal finance skills so I thought sod it and going to start a site about finance. I'll be covering everything from health insurance to life insurance. Anything that is finance related i'll be talking about. Even things like how to use credit cards without getting into loads of high interest debt. When that money is working for you because you've made calculated sound investments with it you feel like such a boss man.
Generally in life, knowledge is acquired to be used. But school learning more often fits Freire's apt metaphor: knowledge is treated like money, to be put away in a bank for the future. - Seymour Papert


The system we have built refuses to recognize people. Only credit cards are recognized. Drivers' licenses are recognized. But not people. People haven't any use for faces anymore, it seems. They are busy looking at your credit card, your driver's licence, your social security number. If a driver's licence is more reliable than the face I wear, then why do I have a face? - Muhammad Yunus


Until you discover what you can do with your time, you won’t know how to go about crucial things - Sunday Adelaja


God is looking for a faithful steward--someone He can trust to obey Him. - Laura W. Watts


With regard to things such as independence, mental capabilities, and sexuality, a very old man is nothing but a gigantic infant with white hair and wrinkles. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana


It is the investment of time that gives birth to success - Sunday Adelaja


We have a retirement crisis in America today nor from a lack of money, but from a lack of vision - Dave Ramsey


Don’t be too engrossed with things of the world discover your purpose in life - Sunday Adelaja


Wealth can only be multiplied through work - Sunday Adelaja


Because IT people can see so much, it is their responsibility to influence investment priorities, not just execute on priorities set by internal business partners. - Martha Heller


The doctor asks the patient some form of the following: “So, what is wrong?” (or, in my case, my doc always asks “So, what are your concerns?”). The doctor listens for an average of 9 seconds, then intervenes with a prognosis. The amount of time the doctor is willing to listen before intervening has gone down over time, presumably as health insurers have pressured doctors to increase throughput and as they have greatly increased the amount of paperwork required of doctors. In other words, it is in the name of efficiency. The efficiency fairies are at work in the doctor’s office to eliminate all that wasteful time spent in creating a doctor-patient relationship. - L. Randall Wray


I began this process without preconceptions of how the information would shake out. Five consistent types of behavioral risk emerged: Ego, Emotion, Information, Attention, and Conservation. The number of bad decisions we can make is limitless (have you seen reality TV?), but all behavioral risk has one or more of these five risk factors at its core. - Daniel Crosby


You can become great through the power of time - Sunday Adelaja


Be eager to explore new discoveries - Sunday Adelaja


The best way to assess yourself is to base the assessment on the product you produce daily - Sunday Adelaja


... The soundness of the best investments must rest not upon legal rights or remedies but upon ample financial capacity of the enterprise. - Benjamin Graham


If we were not impressed by job titles, suits, and jargon, we would demand that financial advisors show us their personal bank statements before they tell us what we could or should do with our own money. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana



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