Ivan Schauvliege published his first book ‘De Creatieve Performer’

Cover of the book

This book is a collection of Ivan’s practice of improvisation and choreography and is directed towards dance teachers, choreographers or anyone who wants to experiment with improvisation and creative research. The book is written in Dutch. Hopefully it will be translated soon!

More information in the link below.


OpenFLR; Intensive summer course in Florence

OpenFLR; Intensive summer course in Florence

Click on the image to go to the site.


OPENFLR – Florence International Summer Intensive is a new contemporary dance workshops for professional dancers and recent graduates that will be held in Florence from the 8th to the 15th of July.

This 8 day international platform will host teachers, dancers and choreographers from different contemporary dance backgrounds, offering contemporary and ballet classes, improvisation, composition and repertoire workshops.

The programme of OPENFLR will be divided into two parts, one aimed towards professional dancers and the other towards recent graduates and students at the end of their dance education.

For professional dancers we offer a warm-up class in the morning followed by a 5 hour dance lab. The 8 day Intensive consists of 4 dance labs led by choreographers and dancers from some of the most acclaimed contemporary dance companies: Club Guy & Roni, Forsythe, Les Ballets C de la B and Random Collision.

Recent graduates however will follow a slightly different schedule. From the 8th until the 14th of July, young choreographers and dancers, coming from some of the most prestigious European academies and companies, will teach two technique classes (ballet and contemporary), followed by a two hour workshop.

OPENFLR aims to create an exchange platform between young and experienced dancers, between choreographers and young professionals from different backgrounds, to broaden and deepen curiosity into dance and to enrich personal knowledge with new experiences.

20 For Brussels; exciting performances by young artists…

Since January I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the 20 For Brussels Collective. It’s a group of young Brussels based artists that are not related to the main stream artists of the city. Together with Marie Martinez we present our works in all sorts of different situations and locations.

On the 22nd and 23rd of June we present our new pieces in the Hybrid Studio in Brussels. Together with Clara Guémas I will make a new performance version of ‘Immer das gleiche Bild’. Come see my colleagues and me, discover what else Brussels has to offer! Exact informations will follow soon!IMG_1791



Blushing Beauties @Ra 13 Antwerp

Joachim Brackx & Ivan Schauvliege present a first draft of Blushing Beauties on the 29’th of March at 08.30 PM at Ra Antwerp. (Kloosterstraat 13)

Created with and performed by; Vittoria De Ferrari Sapetto, Justine Maxelon, Mercedes Assyd, Ygal Jerome Tzur & Dean Lee.
Costumes by Griet Herssens

Click on the picture below to go to their website and find all information.

Museum Night Fever

Museum Night Fever

On Saturday the 2’nd of March 2013 there will be dance performances and installations created and performed by the members of 20 For Brussels at the Brussels Fine Arts Museum. It is part of the Brussels Museum Night Fever.
My brand new installation ‘Immer das gleiche Bild’ will be performed by the beautiful Colline Etienne and me in the forum of the museum from 7pm until 11.30pm. I hope to see you there!!