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The Garden of Remembrance, Marburg (Germany)

The project Garden of Remembrance utilizes the site of the in the “Reichskristallnacht” in 1938 destroyed synagogue and is a memorial to the Jews and their culture destroyed in these pogroms. The result is an unconventional Garden of Remembrance which includes an artistic endeavour and which, together, form a special urban site. At the same time the Garden of Remembrance is part of everyday life, communication and interaction in the town.

by scape Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

Residential Garden (Oosterzele, Belgium)

by BurO Groen


Smiljan Radic, De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Sou Fujimoto, Ensamble Studio, Wang ShuRintala Eggertsson, and Alexander Brodsky - Bus stops, Krumbach 2014. Photos © Adolf Bereuter.

(via dyatica)

City Garden (Roeselare, Belgium)

By BurO Groen


Cairo, Egypt

(via urbangreening)

Josefwiese, Zurich (Switzerland)

by Studio Vulkan Landschaftsarchitektur


Sleeping concrete giant. Freiburg, May 2014.

(via urbangreening)