HeartBeat Journey – Sound Meditation & Mantras with Babek Bodien

10974393_10153098992821810_7896877659836633506_oUniversa proudly presents.. the wonderful German musician and singer Babek Bodien, joining with conscious dance facilitator and writer Caroline S’Jegers for HEARTBEAT JOURNEY, a magical Sound Meditation and Mantra evening!

We invite you to enter a space of pure and divine connection. A space in which music takes you on a journey through softness, clarity and vulnerability. A space in which you are free to sing along, share your full potential and celebrate life to the fullest. A space in which expression plays along with words and voice. A space in which we encourage to dance and move with, through and around yourself, your divine body and others.

This evening will be filled with joy, intimacy, connection and relaxation. While entering the space, we softly welcome you with soulful vibrations. From here, we take you on a guided meditation through voice and poetry. Live music will guide you along the way on this intimate journey of expansion and connection. From here, we sing mantras together as a way of celebrating life. We end the evening in a circle of sharing.

* Touch. Sensitivity. Drums.
* Circle. Cleansing. Dance.
* Smiles. Relaxation. Poetry.
* Candles. Expansion. Voice.

19h30 – welcome, silent entrance
20h – music, dance, poetry and celebration
21h – singing mantras and relaxation
22h – closing circle

DATE: Thursday 19 February 2015
LOCATION: Universa, Melkmarkt 4, 2000 Antwerp
CONTRIBUTION: 12 euro (fixed price)

RESERVE YOUR SPOT: As space will be limited (max 40 people), we advise you to sign in if you wish to join us for this very special journey through our webiste of www.universa.nu. Of course, you are also welcome to simply show up for the evening without any notice!

SPECIAL THANKS to Babek Bodien, Wim Demaere, and Universa.

Babek Bodien is a musical magician from Berlin. He plays a wide range of instruments, such as drum, guitar, didgeridoo, flute and shakers. He is an alchemist of mantras. He speaks the language of vibration. He has been supporting healing workshops such as Birth into Being with his music. Besides that, he has been creating tribal sounds during Ecstatic Dance Berlin. Above all, Babek is a man with a beautiful heart, who loves reading poems and creates songs about love and life. Website: www.babekbodien.com..

“So I will always lean my heart as close to your soul as I can.” – Hafiz

Caroline S’Jegers is a passionate and sensual dancer, intimately inspired by words, sound, imagination, creation and movement. She speaks the language of the body and loves dancing around the world in order to keep expanding her vision and art. Trusting her gut feeling, she prefers to go to the direct Source of what enlivens her Soul. She is the co-organizer of Ecstatic Dance Belgium and loves exploring how play and breath are the key to living a life full of surprises and pleasure. Website: www.carolinesjegers.com.

“In the silence between your heartbeat bides a summons. Do you hear it? Name it if you must, or leave it forever nameless, but why pretend it is not there?” – Rumi