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Page 4 of: Rvalue References Explained, by Thomas Becker   about me  

Forcing Move Semantics

As we all know, the First Amendment to the C++ Standard states: "The committee shall make no rule that prevents C++ programmers from shooting themselves in the foot." Speaking less facetiously, when it comes to choosing between giving programmers more control and saving them from their own carelessness, C++ tends to err on the side of giving more control. Being true to that spirit, C++11 allows you to use move semantics not just on rvalues, but, at your discretion, on lvalues as well. A good example is the std library function swap. As before, let X be a class for which we have overloaded the copy constructor and copy assignment operator to achieve move semantics on rvalues.
template<class T>
void swap(T& a, T& b) 
  T tmp(a);
  a = b; 
  b = tmp; 

X a, b;
swap(a, b);
There are no rvalues here. Hence, all three lines in swap use non-move semantics. But we know that move semantics would be fine: wherever a variable occurs as the source of a copy construction or assignment, that variable is either not used again at all, or else it is used only as the target of an assignment.

In C++11, there is an std library function called std::move that comes to our rescue. It is a function that turns its argument into an rvalue without doing anything else. Therefore, in C++11, the std library function swap looks like this:

template<class T> 
void swap(T& a, T& b) 
  T tmp(std::move(a));
  a = std::move(b); 
  b = std::move(tmp);

X a, b;
swap(a, b);
Now all three lines in swap use move semantics. Note that for those types that do not implement move semantics (that is, do not overload their copy constructor and assignment operator with an rvalue reference version), the new swap behaves just like the old one.

std::move is a very simple function. Unfortunately, though, I cannot show you the implementation yet. We'll come back to it later.

Using std::move wherever we can, as shown in the swap function above, gives us the following important benefits:

  • For those types that implement move semantics, many standard algorithms and operations will use move semantics and thus experience a potentially significant performance gain. An important example is inplace sorting: inplace sorting algorithms do hardly anything else but swap elements, and this swapping will now take advantage of move semantics for all types that provide it.
  • The STL often requires copyability of certain types, e.g., types that can be used as container elements. Upon close inspection, it turns out that in many cases, moveability is enough. Therefore, we can now use types that are moveable but not copyable (unique_pointer comes to mind) in many places where previously, they were not allowed. For example, these types can now be used as STL container elements.
Now that we know about std::move, we are in a position to see why the implementation of the rvalue reference overload of the copy assignment operator that I showed earlier is still a bit problematic. Consider a simple assignment between variables, like this:
a = b; 
What do you expect to happen here? You expect the object held by a to be replaced by a copy of b, and in the course of this replacement, you expect the object formerly held by a to be destructed. Now consider the line
a = std::move(b); 
If move semantics are implemented as a simple swap, then the effect of this is that the objects held by a and b are being exchanged between a and b. Nothing is being destructed yet. The object formerly held by a will of course be destructed eventually, namely, when b goes out of scope. Unless, of course, b becomes the target of a move, in which case the object formerly held by a gets passed on again. Therefore, as far as the implementer of the copy assignment operator is concerned, it is not known when the object formerly held by a will be destructed.

So in a sense, we have drifted into the netherworld of non-deterministic destruction here: a variable has been assigned to, but the object formerly held by that variable is still out there somewhere. That's fine as long as the destruction of that object does not have any side effects that are visible to the outside world. But sometimes destructors do have such side effects. An example would be the release of a lock inside a destructor. Therefore, any part of an object's destruction that has side effects should be performed explicitly in the rvalue reference overload of the copy assignment operator:

X& X::operator=(X&& rhs)

  // Perform a cleanup that takes care of at least those parts of the
  // destructor that have side effects. Be sure to leave the object
  // in a destructible and assignable state.

  // Move semantics: exchange content between this and rhs
  return *this;