You and Your Dragonfly

Presented by Barbara and Diane from Spirit Wings
Learn how the Dragonfly energy and those in the spirit realm can help you to manifest your dreams and change them to your reality.

When:Saturday 11th April 2015 at 12:30 pm
Where:Lower Hutt, Wellington (see below for the venue address)
Duration:4 hours
Cost: $50

Connect with your Dragonfly and explore how they can help you to manifest your dreams.

As you dream your dreams, start making the moves to change them to your reality.

Meditate with the Dragonfly and those in the spirit realm to recognize the blocks that you have within yourself to stop those dreams manifesting.

Make this your year to re-create your life as you want it.

Gain knowledge, share ideas, meditate, receive light language activation's and enjoy some fun and laughter with a group of like-minded people.

The Sanctuary, Petone Spiritualist Church, 88 Richmond Street, Petone

Contact details:
Phone Barbara on 021 117 8006 or email us at

Categories: Self Develoment, Chanelling, Meditation, Spirit Guides