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Join the 10,000+ organizations using Aptean to conquer their industry challenges.


Generic software won't cut it, choose software designed for your industry

We provide enterprise resource planning (ERP), transportation management system (TMS) software, enterprise asset management (EAM) and much more.

See all industries
Doughnut with icing and sprinkles
Stack of macarons

Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage

Our specialized food and beverage software has powerful features to improve traceability, recipe management, quality control and forecasting.

See Food & Beverage Industry
Folded four shirt tops, three pairs of jeans and shoes in stack
Stack of shirts

Fashion and Apparel

Fashion and Apparel

Fashion and apparel industry leaders need complete transparency along the value chain, which means that they need integrated data with one source of the truth.

See Fashion and Apparel Industry
Shopping bags

Imports, Distribution and Retail

Imports, Distribution and Retail

The capabilities of our distribution solutions empower you to deliver exceptional customer experiences while driving visibility and efficiency.

See Imports, Distribution & Retail Industry
Engine block
Car Tires

Industrial and Discrete Manufacturing

Industrial and Discrete Manufacturing

Enhance performance. Increase visibility. De-risk operations. It’s all possible with our advanced solutions designed for your industry.

See Industrial and Discrete Manufacturing
Chemical drums
Paint cans

Process Manufacturing

Process Manufacturing

Solve complex process manufacturing challenges with tailored industry-specific software built with the features your business needs.

See Process Manufacturing Industry

Don’t see your industry here?

We provide software to business owners and organizations in a wide range of industries. Tell us your needs—we’re ready to help.

Don’t see your industry here?

We provide software to business owners and organizations in a wide range of industries. Tell us your needs—we’re ready to help.

Get in touch today to speak to an expert in your industry

Discover the benefits of software purpose-designed for your industry—from faster implementation to greater efficiency across your entire business.

Tablet device displaying blue statistical graphs