Illustration • Animation • Gamedesign


Illustrations for Sueños Ilustrados
/ Ilustrated Dreams
#20 »PAÑUELO LLORÓN / WHINER HANDKERCHIEF«, Leporello 21 x 100 cm, 300 g/m² paper

Six dreams written by Luli in Valencia,
Collected by Roger Omar ©
English translation by Jénnifer Ádcock
Design and lettering: Mexer
Printed in Valencia, Spain, February 2013

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Whiner handkerchief
Mr. Handkerchief was white and nobody wanted to use him because nobody liked him. Mr. Handkerchief was very offended, and one day he started to cry and cry. I asked him “What’s wrong?”. He said nobody wanted to use him, and I said “Well when I have a runny nose I’ll use you”. He was very happy. At that moment I woke up.

The invisible dog
Today I dreamed I found a dog that speaks and can become invisible, and he said “Will you take me to your home? They don’t love me at my home anymore”. Before I could say anything, the dog said “I’ll become invisible so they don’t see me in your house”. “Well if you become invisible, that’s alright!”. At home nobody noticed. One year later they saw him and threw him out. At that moment I woke up.

Today I dreamed I was in my garden and I found a bone. My mother said “Take it to jail. They said on the news that they were looking for a bone”. We took it to jail and they told me “Congratulations Pilar, you’ve won 1 million”. Next day I went to church and gave the million away to the poor. I was woken up.

Today I dreamed I was a witch that did whatever I wanted. In my house there was a gym, jacuzzi with sauna, mansion and theme park for me and my friends. One day I was very naughty for a witch and they took my powers away. At that moment I woke up.

Today I dreamed I was a spider called Cloca and I had a very nice owner who gave me all the things I could eat. One day she said “I’m going to kill you Cloca”, she killed me and at that moment I woke up.

Teresa and I
Today I dreamed I was with Teresa in paradise, with lots of flowers, trees, ducks, butterflies, rabbits, storks and lots of other animals. Later a very ugly boy came and said “Out!”. I said, “Why are you kicking us out?”. At that moment I woke up.
(Luli / Valencia)