cirque atomique, disco band

We try to keep you all informed about what we 're doing.
Things we want to share, are posted here below.
If you want to share something with us, please check out our guestbook.

05/11/2008 - Change we need!!
Hi party people... We\'re back with more news from the only live band that will keep disco alive.
1. Photo-shoot: At the end of september we took a day to go to a nice photo-studio for a new band picture. As we speak, Mr slick eddy is working on a new flyer with the new band-picture. I\'ve seen the raw picture and I can tell you he\'s doing a very nice job. We will launch that picture on the website soon... But all thanks go out to Mr PAT for his time, patience and cleaning up his place when we left. Big thanks and stay disco...
2. facebook: From this day on people can find us on the new media-hype \'facebook\'. By becomming a fan we will keep you posted on new shows and new events. Check out this link and become a fan: If that doesn\'t work you will have to become a facebook member first. I can tell you it\'s easier than playing disco-music :-)
3. new show: At the start of november we launched the 4 new shows we talked about earlier. Disco-flight business class, disco-flight 1st class, disco-flight VIP and disco-flight 54 to Barcelona. For more information you can call or mail our management: jada-events ( or you can go to Festivak (hangar 29) in antwerp on the 19th and 20th of november, where you can talk to our management in person. And I can tell you they\'re very nice people...
4. A new disco year... We\'re glad to say that 2009 will be another great \'cirque atomique\' year. Every day we get mails and phone calls from people who want the greatest disco band 'cirque atomique' on their next party. We will not let them down and we will give all the disco-vibes and love that we have to all the party people in the world.

Hope to hear/see you soon and remember:



30/09/2008 - What a holiday and what a month!!
It is a long time ago that we wrote something in the news pages... First of all we need to say that something went very wrong and all the old news pages got lost in cyberspace. So we have to start all over again. Where do we start????

We had a great summer this year with some very, very, very nice gigs. The highlights were \"de gentse feesten\" & \"Terras Bilzen\". I think we need to thank the weather gods because both nights were great hot summer-nights with a lot of beautiful party people. Everybody enjoyed the new show: disco-flight 54. Even September was a great month. While all the kids went to school, we went to luxembourg to play on a boat. It was a long drive but it was worth it...

Soon we will be launching 4 new package deals. People who want to have a nice disco party can choose from 4 different shows. The first show is called Disco-flight-54 Economy, the second is Disco-flight-54 Businnes class, the third is Disco-flight-54 VIP and the last one is the greatest ever: Disco-flight-54 to New York. For more information you can go to

The party people who saw Cirque Atomique the last couple of weeks have noticed we were playing with a new drummer. Mr Badaboom suffers from painful back and painful elbows. The result was that we had to ask some disco-friends to help us out. We want to thank Mr 5ft Phil, Dynamite Mike & Mr Jelle for helping us out. But at the end of this month Mr Badaboom will be back for more good & funky disco-vibes.

At the end of November we will be releasing a promo DVD with samples from the new show. The promo samples will be seen on youtube, myspace and facebook. We made a lot of nice recordings at \'de gentse feesten\',\'terras bilzen\' and at \'the alfa cam studios\'... We only need to edit the images and add sound to it. That is a lot of work but the result will be very nice...

That\'s all folks for now. We will be back with more news very soon...

Greetz and stay disco,

cirque atomique, disco band