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The world is a mess

In Triple-A we trust

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AAA has always been an indication of value, whether it’s real estate locations, academic performance or financial products. Following the same logic, a Triple-A brand is a brand that ensures value for each of its stakeholders through Authenticity, Accountability and Activation.

Brandhome believes brands need to find the right balance between each of these elements in order to survive the challenging times and fierce competition they face. Authenticity, Accountability and Activation are essential elements in forming the main drivers of brands that must deal with a rising demand for transparent, sincere and trusting brand behaviour.

Still, each of these elements individually can strengthen—but also threaten—the others. Especially when taking into account stakeholders with opposing interests. Brandhome believes that finding the right balance between the different dimensions reflecting today’s global trends is crucial to growing a solid brand.

Authenticity: are you for real?

Brands will have to be themselves, straightforward and transparent. This means more identity driven brand building (inside-out) and less advertising/image driven brand building (outside-in). Acting and communicating in line with your true identity is the only guarantee that you won't be be unmasked for claiming things that don't fit with 'who' your brand is.

No matter how 'big' or 'small' your brand, an authentic approach goes a long way. Take Jim Shukys' Auto, for example: they write a personal thank you note to each and every one of their customers.

Accountability: true commitment pays off

Brands must remain accountable to internal and external stakeholders. So more thinking before acting and less 'we just do things this way because that's how we've always done it.'

Accountability is about making promises and 'walking your talk.' As an illustration we love the story that has been going around about Nordstrom. It is said that the fashionable department store even gave a refund for winter tires. Truth is they have never sold tires in their history. Now that's what we call real customer friendliness!

Activation: don't wait for apples, shake the tree!

Brands will have to be and act more sales-driven (sales drives brand) under the pressure of the brand owner's financial situation. A strong brand knows how to combine Authenticity and Accountability with a healthy drive to activate its target audience.

In terms of Activation, we think Nutcase helmets has done a great job with their 'outdoor fitting room' campaign: making bike helmets cool again so everyone wants to be seen with them.

How Triple-A

is your brand?

Want to find out how your brand scores on the Triple-A index? Brandhome has developed a test to quickly scan your brand on each of the dimensions. Click here to start the test right away!


In the book The world is a mess: in Triple-A we trust, Brandhome digs deep into every aspect of what it takes to be and become a Triple-A brand. Want to find out more? Download now!