Drupal: Creating a custom layout with Omega 4

This tutorial explains how to create a custom layout with Omega 4. There are some pitfalls, so follow along:

Layout folder and files

Create a new folder with your layout under sites/all/themes/yourthemename/layouts. The folder should have two files, namely a tpl.php file and a .inc file. Optionally, you can define a preview.png image.

The tpl.php file contains all the printed regions. The .inc file contains the necessary information available in the user interface. It is similar to an .info file in another installation. For example, this is the information in one of my .inc layout files, as a subtheme of ohm.

name = Base Layout
description = Base layout with two sidebars on the right
preview = preview.png
template = base-layout
base theme = ohm

; Regions
regions[branding]       = Branding
regions[navigation]     = Navigation bar
regions[header]         = Header
regions[hero]           = Hero
regions[highlighted]    = Highlighted
regions[help]           = Help
regions[content]        = Content
regions[sidebar_first]  = First sidebar
regions[sidebar_second] = Second sidebar
regions[footer_first]   = First Footer
regions[footer_second]  = Second Footer
regions[footer_third]   = Third Footer
regions[footer_fourth]  = Fourth Footer

; Stylesheets
stylesheets[all][] = css/layouts/base/base.layout.css
stylesheets[all][] = css/layouts/base/base.layout.no-query.css

Some names should be correct! The template should be written like [THEMENAME]-layout and the Stylesheets at the bottom should be written like [THEMENAME].layout.css and [THEMENAME].layout.no-query.css.

The links in stylesheets are pointing towards the css stylesheets, compiled from the SASS stylesheets. The folders and files get generated automatically.

Sass layout

Create a similarly named folder under sites/all/themes/yourthemename/sass/layouts. You only need one file here: the .scss file. Preferably this file only contains the layout information, like the grid system. Because we're using SASS, we can put the general styles in different stylesheets.

After creating both layout folders, the site structure should look like this:

Omega 4 custom layout files

Add regions to .info file

Lastly, put the regions in the info file. If the regions aren't available there, they won't show up! This was my mistake initially, because the .inc file is very similar to an .info file. It's important to also define all the necessary regions here, otherwise they won't show up.

name = Portfolio
description = Description of the portfolio theme
base theme = ohm
screenshot = screenshot.png
engine = phptemplate
core = 7.x

; ========================================
; Stylesheets
; ========================================
stylesheets[all][] = css/portfolio.normalize.css
stylesheets[all][] = css/portfolio.hacks.css
stylesheets[all][] = css/portfolio.styles.css
stylesheets[all][] = css/portfolio.no-query.css

; ========================================
; Regions
; ========================================
regions[branding] = Branding
regions[navigation] = Navigation bar
regions[header] = Header
regions[highlighted] = Highlighted
regions[hero] = Hero
regions[slider] = Slider
regions[content] = Content
regions[services_first] = First Services
regions[services_second] = Second Services
regions[services_third] = Third Services
regions[sidebar_first] = First sidebar
regions[sidebar_second] = Second sidebar
regions[footer_first] = First Footer
regions[footer_second] = Second Footer
regions[footer_third] = Third Footer
regions[footer_fourth] = Fourth Footer

; ========================================
; Scripts
; ========================================
scripts[] = js/portfolio.behaviors.js

; ========================================
; Settings
; ========================================
settings[toggle_logo] = 1
settings[toggle_name] = 0
settings[toggle_slogan] = 0
settings[toggle_node_user_picture] = 0
settings[toggle_comment_user_picture] = 1
settings[toggle_comment_user_verification] = 1
settings[toggle_favicon] = 1
settings[toggle_main_menu] = 1
settings[toggle_secondary_menu] = 1
settings[omega_toggle_front_page_content] = 1
settings[default_logo] = 0
settings[logo_path] = sites/all/themes/portfolio/images/logo.png
settings[logo_upload] = ""
settings[default_favicon] = 0
settings[favicon_path] = sites/all/themes/portfolio/images/favicon.ico
settings[favicon_upload] = ""
settings[omega_enable_warning] = 1
settings[omega_toggle_extension_layouts] = 1
settings[omega_layout] = base
settings[omega_toggle_extension_development] = 1
settings[omega_rebuild_theme_registry] = 1
settings[omega_rebuild_aggregates] = 1
settings[omega_browser_width_indicator] = 1
settings[omega_livereload] = 1
settings[omega_livereload_script] = http://localhost:35729/livereload.js
settings[omega_livereload_host] = localhost
settings[omega_livereload_port] = 35729
settings[omega_demo_regions] = 1
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][header] = header
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][highlighted] = highlighted
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][content] = content
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][sidebar_first] = sidebar_first
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][sidebar_second] = sidebar_second
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][branding] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][navigation] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][hero] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][slider] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][services_first] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][services_second] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][services_third] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][footer_first] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][footer_second] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][footer_third] = 0
settings[omega_demo_regions_list][footer_fourth] = 0
settings[omega_toggle_extension_compatibility] = 1
settings[omega_conditional_classes_html] = 1
settings[omega_apple_touch] = 1
settings[omega_cleartype] = 1
settings[omega_handheld_friendly] = 1
settings[omega_mobile_optimized] = 1
settings[omega_viewport] = 1
settings[omega_viewport_user_scaleable] = 1
settings[omega_chrome_edge] = 1
settings[omega_chrome_popup] = 0
settings[omega_chrome_notice] = 0
settings[omega_toggle_extension_assets] = 1
settings[omega_libraries][selectivizr][status] = 0
settings[omega_libraries][respond][status] = 0
settings[omega_libraries][pie][status] = 0
settings[omega_libraries][html5shiv][status] = 1
settings[ohm_enable_warning] = 0
settings[responsive_tables_medium_priority_max_width] = 800px
settings[responsive_tables_low_priority_max_width] = 600px
settings[favicon_mimetype] = image/vnd.microsoft.icon



I have a problem, when do this, css of the new layouts didn't run on browser.
css is created with "drush omega-guard" and placed to it's folder.

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