Foundation for Victims of Local Anesthesia
Bosscher stichting
Vlierbessenstraat 5
3235 EX  Rockanje
The Netherlands

+31 181 404050


The Bosscher Foundation's aim is to promote scientific research into health related complaints attributed to the use of local anesthetics.

In particular, the Bosscher Foundation focuses its attention on the anesthetic, articaine hydrochloride, the active component in:

Ultracaine™ available in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and many other countries.
Septanest™ available in Canada, France, Spain and many other countries.
Citocain™ available in Italy, Spain, Russia and Japan.
Primacaine™ available in Italy, France, Russia, Poland and India.
Septocaine™ available in USA, Scandinavian countries and Russia.
Ubistesine™ available in Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and many other countries.
Alphacaine™ available in France, Germany and many other countries

The Bosscher Foundation suspects that articaine is responsible for a series
of unexpected side effects.
If one of the following complaints has arisen several months after a (dental) procedure, it is recommended that you go through this website thoroughly.

  • tiredness and a general feeling of fatigue and weariness
  • allergic reactions and intolerance to certain foods
  • asthmatic bronchitis
  • prolonged tingling in fingers and toes
  • muscle failure in arms and/or legs
  • breast, prostrate or kidney cancer
  • vague complaints without apparent causes
  • tremors or spasms

You can always reach us by mail with your questions and comments.