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ADHD Career Coach for Adults and Young Adults

I help ADHD adults define their passions, clarify their purpose and find their ideal career. Your real life's work is waiting! Your Next Career Move MasterClass www.careercoachingwithshell.com 30+ years experience in Career Coaching and Counseling

Cognitive Connections
Cognitive Connections

We are highly experienced, certified speech-language pathologists who specialize in evaluating and treating a wide range of spe...

New Agenda- Academic, ADHD, and Life Skills Coaching with Executive Function Support
New Agenda- Academic, ADHD, and Life Skills Coaching with Executive Function Support

NEW AGENDA is a research-based executive function coaching practice for ages 9-99. We offer Academic, Life Skills, Social, and...

Featured Deal $31.4415% OFF

The ADHD Project Planner

Get 15% off any order for ADDitude readers with code ADDITUDE15!

Featured EventEvery Thursday

Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Teens
Comedy Writing Classes for Mental Health - For Teens

Two Experiential Trainings Per Month with Two Different Group Events that are coaching and writing based. Meaning you aren't ju...

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